March 4, 2025

Single-family house sales in Boston dipped to a 15-year low by 8.4 percent, indicating how the real estate slump has negatively affected various U.S. states. Only 50,435 new single-family homes were sold in 2007, down from 2006's 55,054, according to a report by The Warren Group, publisher of real estate information in Boston.   San Diego California real estate agents

2 thoughts on “15 Year Low For Boston Home Values!

  1. Lenin was (sort of) right! He just didn’t know why. The inherent contradictions in a capitalist society will destroy capitalism as you know it! The oppression and greed of banks will lead to massive dislocations in the economy that will force true economic and social revolution in this country through legalized institutions.

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  2. Mark my words, either Obama or Clinton will win – and the legal changes they bring will force a more equitable distribution of wealth AND risk. First, rebuild the social safety net, shredded by decades of rightwing mismanagement. Second, better govt regulation will bring more centralized control back over the markets. As time goes on, the federal govt will reassert its rightful authority over more sectors of the economy, and we will march together into a brighter future for our children!

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