March 13, 2025

California Real Estate Prices

It’s no secret that California has a shortage of affordable housing. It’s also no secret in California that we have had water shortages and water rationing, not so much because of environmental changes, but, because of California’s reluctance to build new dams and water reservoirs.

Also almost all Californians are aware of California’s policy of diverting huge amounts of water directly into the ocean on the theory that it will protect the Delta Smelt.

California Real Estate Prices

La Jolla Colony rental - California Real Estate Prices

Sure, many people believe that are awarded shortages are due to environmental change. But, the truth is that’s just what the environmental wackos and the political left-leaning socialist would like you to believe.

In order to have more affordable housing obviously one of the main factors is to have adequate water supply for these new residents. If the cost of our water, which I already believe is perhaps one of the highest in the nation, continues to increase it will become just another detriment to ever achieving a realistic solution to our ultra high priced housing.

It’s really a shame that our California state government has been totally dominated by leftist and is in capable of proper planning or advanced thinking. Our water situation is a prime example of this. Did you know that for decades the population in California has been increasing, so, obviously the demand for water has also been increasing. Yet, with these basic facts you sure don’t have to be a nuclear scientist to come to the conclusion that California should have embarked (a long time ago) on increasing our water resources to handle the increasing population.

Did you know, that there has not been a new dam built in Southern California since the 1970s? Yes, the last major water reservoir was constructed in Tuolumne County by the US Bureau of reclamation in the 1970s? Yet, it wasn’t until 2018 that any meaningful money was spent on new water projects. In that year, the Contra Costa water district allocated $459 million for a proposed expansion of a reservoir.

“In the land of fun and sun, we never flush for number one” – old California public service announcement motto from the 80’s. Dunno if they still use it. I’ve wondered how prohibitive the cost would be to dig reservoirs in other states with high rainfall and pump water to CA – like how oil is pumped in the Alaskan pipeline. This vid makes it sound prohibitively expensive. I also wonder why people still have lawns in CA since we’ve been hearing about their droughts for decades. AZ has regs that only allow indigenous/desert flora (apparently with some HOAs). *** This 21 year old San Diego real estate is for sale! Also, aged real estate sites in many California cities are for sale.


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California Real Estate Prices