October 26, 2024

Kevin Sandridge at the Florida Mortgage Blogger hosted the most recent Carnival of Real Estate and selected one of our prior posts as a winner:

Bob Schwartz presents Real Estate Tax Deduction – Soon to be History? | San Diego Real Estate Market Blog posted at San Diego Real Estate.  Bob earns one of our special Big Top Real Estate Blogger award because he brings up a proposition so scary, it’s bound to give the most hideous carnival side show entry a run for its money.  No deduction for my mortgage interest?  Bite your tongue, Bob!  Or — at least swallow a burning sword!

Thanks Kevin!

San Diego Realtor

1 thought on “Carnival of Real Estate Selects us as a Winner

  1. Homes will always be unaffordable to the average person in high priced CA as long as government subsidize home owners in the form of mortgage tax deductions, and Fannie Mae bailouts. Remove the interest tax deduction and watch the prices correct 50%. This place a bottom on home prices and increase home ownership than further government meddling. The issue is affordability, not unemployment. Prices are still too high due to government tax policies and bad lending practices.

    San Diego real estate agent

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