October 18, 2024

real estate sales booster?Despite the fresh coat of paint, stellar service from their REALTOR and a great school district, increasing numbers of sellers thank divine intervention for a successful home sale.

More specifically, these sellers believe in the power of St. Joseph, husband to the Virgin Mary and a carpenter by trade, who in informally known as the saint of real estate and household matters.

A legend dating back hundreds of years instructs sellers to bury the statue of St. Joseph upside down in the yard to attract a perfect buyer. Just think what St. Joseph and a CRS can do for individuals selling their homes.

St. Joseph statues and prayer cards are popular with people of all denominations. They can be found not only at Christian bookstores, but also at Ace Hardware, Hallmark and on the internet. Unfortunately, the Roman Catholic Church doesn’t offer a money-back guarantee. San Diego downtown condos

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