March 5, 2025

California real estate 2010 forecast
California real estate 2010 forecast

The California Association of Realtors’ 2010 housing market forecast calls for home sales to slow by 2.3 percent from a projected 540,000 homes this year to 527,000 next year.

California home sales bottomed in late 2007 at 346,900 units, but have turned around since then, fueled by cheap foreclosed homes and a federal tax credit.

2 thoughts on “California Real Estate 2010 Forecast

  1. When I look through the MLS it seems like all I see is contingent listings. All that ‘fake’ inventory, many of which will not be sold until the bank forecloses and re-lists, makes it hard to know what the local market can bear. There is a lot of talk about a foreclosure flood farther hurting the market, but I think some liquidity would be good. At least it would bring people back to the table.
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