October 17, 2024

Income Diversify Neighborhoods

Real Estate Push to Diversify Neighborhoods

The Making Money panel weighs in on President Obama’s proposed housing plan to diversify wealthy neighborhoods.
Watch Charles Payne talk about Economics, Government, Regulation, and White House on Making Money With Cpayne.

Sounds like a great idea. Start with the following: Malibu, Beverly Hills, Chappaqua, NY (where Hillary lives), the Hamptons and Martha’s Vineyard where O’Bummer vacations.

Welcome to Obamaville, coming to a neighborhood next to you, you work hard, go to school to get a head so you can leave a bad neighborhood to live in a decent one and the bad neighborhood is brought back to you. where is any incentive other than pride to do anything to get ahead when if you do nothing you can still have all of those things. little wonder this country is falling apart when you have idiot white liberals and a black leftist in office.

If you want to live with the mentally ill, the sick lame and lazy, and criminals you should have that choice! MOVE TO THE GHETTO! Unfortunately, the liberals and PC crowd want to force this crap on you- while they live in the ultra high end gated communities with armed guards. They have literally no contact with this element until they need votes, then they show up and say just what is required to get the votes. They then return to their protected communities- pausing just long enough to give a TV interview in which they assert the people fighting against the project are racist and bigots! In California, years ago they closed down most of the

In California, years ago they closed down most of the state-run institutions, saying “They (the mentally ill) were being abused in the institutions!!” So they “Mainstreamed” the nut jobs- translated, they dumped them on the street! Where they remain to this day!

You can view my video about this HUD program I published back in May at:



Income Diversify Neighborhoods


4 thoughts on “Income Diversify Neighborhoods

  1. In reality, when minorities start taking over an apartment building or a whole neighborhood, crime goes up, police calls go up, property values plummet and whites flee the area. That’s just the way it is.

  2. Oh yeah, that’s going to work out just perfect. What in the Sam Hill is he thinking?? Pitting black against white, straight against gay, thugs against police, legal citizens against illegals, and now, the rich against the poor?? Great job working on that legacy of yours. You will go down in history as the worst of any before you. 

  3. I’ve been working as an apartment maintenance person for over 15 years in the same 3 apartment complexes. I’ve watched it go from well to do college kids and older 50+ retired couples to mostly black and Hispanic section 8 recipients who have completely destroyed most of the apartments, the neighborhood surrounding the apartments and the local schools down the street! This was an A+ neighborhood 15 years ago but now it’s a ghetto hell on earth! Thanks Obummer!

  4. People work really hard to afford a nice house in a nice neighborhood,and now they want to bring in people who don’t work are on welfare,hang around all day running around the neighborhood trashing the place,it’s not fair.Let these illegals live in neighborhoods where Hilary and Obama,and the elites live,i bet you would never see that.

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