Memorial Day Tribute Remembering those who gave it all so that we can live...
Home Mortgage Rates Today’s national 30-year mortgage interest rate for today Tuesday May 23rd...
Housing Market 2023 Outlook Brutal earnings report just out from Home Depot. This is...
BIG DROP in Consumer Spending Bank of America has reported a huge slowdown in...
HOUSING MARKET & THE ECONOMY big Regional Banks going under huge layoffs spreading from...
California’s Wealth Tax Proposal California is considering to impose a wealth tax on people...
More You Make the More You Pay for Electricity Not yet effective, but coming...
New California Real Estate Sales Tax Another California success in tricking the voters into...
Biden’s SOCIALISM FOR HOMEOWNERS starts 5/1/23 Mark Tepper discuss the Biden administration’s plan to...
2023 Real Estate Good News Pending home sales rise for third straight month! The...