March 11, 2025

San Diego County home loansThe loan limits for FNMA had been at $417,000 going into this year. As part of the “Economic Stimulus Package” the limits were raised based on a formula to a maximum amount of $729,250. The current loan limit under the formula is $697,500 in San Diego County. These loan limits will expire on January 1st. The loan limits for 2009 are based on a formula that is calculated as 1.15 times the median house price for the “highest priced county in the property’s metropolitan or micropolitan area”. Based on the calculation, the new limits for San Diego County for 2009 will be as follows:

1 unit    =    $546,250
2 units  =      699,300
3 units  =      845,300
4 units  =    1,050,500

These #’s are actually higher than we were anticipating and reflect the fact that the MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area) is actually considered (for calculation purposes) to be “San Diego, Carlsbad, San Marcos”. The formula uses the median for the “highest micropolitan area” in the MSA which is Carlsbad in this situation.

This loan information was provided by: Greg Brooks southwest area manager San Diego Mortgage Network (800) 287-8292 x 225                                                                            


Austin Investors:Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac may be rethinking loan … – Freddie Mac Fannie Mae rethinking investor loan limits. The previous limit was 10 homes. And most mid sized investors will easily reach the 4 home limit. Your primary residence is counted in the 4 home limit. This new limit pushed many …

Fix Housing First to Revive the Economy | Housing Stimulus … – The credit amount would be increased to 10 percent of the price of the home, capped at 3.5 percent of FHA loan limits, bringing the credit to a range of roughly between $10000 and $22000. The current recapture provision would be …

Kansas City Real Estate News Blog : Kansas City Mortgage News … – There are links to help you find more information directly from the USDA. Many Advantages of this home loan are:. 1. No down payment required. 2. No Mortgage Insurance. 3. No cash reserves required. 4. No seller contribution limit. …

San Diego home sales
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9 thoughts on “San Diego County Home Loan Limits For 2009

  1. Given the ratio to income to sales price in California the foreclosure crisis will be a California problem for many years. Until the recent bubble lending 3 times income was a good yardstick but now it ranges from 6 to 10 times income and this has become the norm. A good example would be the city of Santa Rosa BMR problem that has a cap of 50K income for houses costing 304K using the FHA 3% down program. Low income cannot afford a 300K home; only in California is this type of thinking keep alive by local and state government. In fact the State yesterday wants to give low income families 100% financing for foreclosure homes in the most impacted parts of the state. These homes require extensive rehab which low income citizens do not have and will again provide a new wave of foreclosures in the coming years.

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  2. If you are going to buy a home that you are planning on living in, buy one that you can afford, taxes and insurance and maintenance included. The “asking” price does not tell the whole story, nor does the “adjustable” loan. People paid too much thinking they could flip the house, found no buyer and the adjustable loan was “adjusting”, just like they’d been warned. Of course, no one fore saw the gas prices, the electricity prices, the food prices going through the roof, and all the unemployment.

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  3. Home prices do not double in price on average every ten years. There is no evidence to support such a statement. S&P case shriller home index which goes back to 1890 found that SFR prices went up at the rate of inflation over time. If they do double in any short period it’s called a asset bubble and values return to medium as the bubble implodes. OFHEO also shows long term prices run with inflation and return to normal price levels rather than continuing to rise. In order for RE to double every 10 years average income would also need to rise with it, which if you haven’t noticed doesn’t happen and when it does as during the 70’s yield on bonds jump into the teen’s and the FED pushes up interest rates causing home prices to decline.

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  4. We’re only seeing the last of the 1 and first of the 3 year ARMs getting their bumps now. Remember that even though housing was slowing refinancing were very strong. Not only that but most people that played that game pulled equity out too which means they essentially lump themselves in with the last of the buyers. Even if you say the top was at the end of ’06, and it wasn’t, we still need to get through all of ’09 just to clear out the last of the 3 year ARMs. And the only way those people don’t get hit hard is if property values not just stabilize but actually rise a bit as lending standards are tighter and they will have to come up with some equity.

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  5. Homes will always be unaffordable to the average person in high priced CA as long as government subsidize home owners in the form of mortgage tax deductions, and Fannie Mae bailouts. Remove the interest tax deduction and watch the prices correct 50%. This place a bottom on home prices and increase home ownership than further government meddling. The issue is affordability, not unemployment. Prices are still too high due to government tax policies and bad lending practices.

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