March 8, 2025

San Diego California home prices
San Diego California home prices

Today, DataQuick real estate information reporting services of La Jolla Ca. reported that San Diego home sales increased by 20% , while median San Diego home price dropped 15.1% in June 2009 vs June 2008. Also, this same report showed home sales in the six-county Southern California region in June increased 29% over June 2008.  But, here too, for the region, home prices dipped 26.4 %.

John Walsh, MDA DataQuick president talking about their report, said: “The rising median should still be viewed mainly as a sign the market’s moving back toward a more normal distribution of sales across the home price spectrum. Sales in many higher- cost neighborhoods couldn’t have gotten much lower, so this recent uptick in activity should come as no surprise. The recession and problem mortgages are fueling more high-end distress, hence more high-end `bargains.’ What’s missing, still, is a wide-open financing spigot for the would-be buyers of these more expensive homes.”

San Diego California Realtor

3 thoughts on “San Diego Home Sales Rise – San Diego Home Prices Fall

  1. Robert Shiller, he made his case 4 years ago for addressing housing prices, and warned that a dramatic fall in prices would lead to widespread systemic risk….read his wealth affect study….sucks to be right….

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