March 7, 2025

In San Diego it seems that home mortgage payments are the number one reason for the huge increase in bankruptcy fillings. Is bankruptcy right for you? There is no pat, general answer here. It is always best to consult with your legal/tax adviser when facing financial hardship.  In the video below, various government agencies are shown that may be able to assist you.

Please, keep in mind, almost all home mortgage lenders would rather try to work out a plan to keep you in your San Diego home rather than having to foreclose on it. In most cases, it is best to first contact your home mortgage lender before walking away from your San Diego home.


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3 thoughts on “San Diego Real Estate Foreclosure … When is Bankruptcy the Best Option?

  1. If we can bail out the rich (socialism) Then let’s do the stupid as well (socialism),
    or we could practice real capitolism and let them crash and burn.
    It would get rid of the crooks and make oppertunity for the knew blood to have a go at it.
    To think that Betting your life savings in the stock market was a good Idea?
    Only fools would take a risk like that. (risk is ,the chance to loose it all)
    Betting is for those that can afford to loose the money they bet. So Be It.
    Who wants to talk about the the real issue of national debt and the day
    we really will go belly up. Can’t anybody else see the future of this financial
    disaster and stand up and tell the people the truth. We are Bankrupt.
    We have to much on the credit card and the forecloser notice is already hear.
    As a country we have taught the stupid to do the same in their own homes,
    so The truth is people really only know what they have been taught. Ignorance

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  2. NO ONE IS LISTENING and the bottom line is NO ONE CARES if we lose our home. Is it that hard to help your fellow man in the time of need? I wouldn’t wish our situation on anyone. These last 10 months have been hell for us. So if anyone has an ear to hear what your normal all american family is going through, let them hear. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. I’ve heard all the words and seen no action.

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  3. I paid my home off in april 96k to get rid of my house payment. I am still glad that I did. The ole saying “I’m from the government, and I am here to help you”…….you better look out, there is a kicker in there somewhere.

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