We just received results from an independent website ranking firm for our site. Below is the main part of this report:
Report for www.brokerforyou.com
December 09, 2009 at 06:48 PM
The website www.brokerforyou.com ranks 141,917 of the 1,866,188 websites that have been ranked so far.
A website grade of 92/100 for www.brokerforyou.com means that means that of the millions of websites that have previously been evaluated, our algorithm has calculated that this site scores higher than 92% of them in terms of its marketing effectiveness. The algorithm uses a proprietary blend of over 50 different variables, including search engine data , website structure, approximate traffic, site performance, and others.
I’d have to say this is true. I remember the first time I was looking for brokers to handle my house and this site was on the first page of results! This website has done a great job at getting themselves out there!
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This site has done the thing that I want to do the most which is be on the first page on google. It’s taken me a while to do it, but i’m getting there! Maybe my keywords aren’t good…
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