October 18, 2024

San Diego Real Estate Prices for June 2009 percent change vs. June 2008. Data from the San Diego Union Tribune — chart by Promotions Unlimited.

San Diego California home prices
San Diego California home prices

1 thought on “San Diego Real Estate Prices – A Mixed Bag

  1. Housing is nowhere near bottom. It has at least 20% more to fall to become “reasonably” priced.
    This is why I know housing is nowhere near bottom. There’s still people like this who believe housing can only go up – any downturn is just a hiccup. Heck, genius Cramer even called a bottom in 2007!!!

    I’m getting real tired of every pollyanna trying to call the housing bottom. Here’s an easy way to tell we have reach normal, sustainable pricing:

    1) I by a property with 20% cash down, no fudging on this amount of any kind or assistance.

    2) I rent said property to a tenant at a market rate

    3) I have positive cash flow day one after P.I.T.I and associated costs

    Until that day is reached (and we are no where near it) we are no where near a bottom.

    Period…. End of story.

    Bonita Real Estate Agents

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