October 18, 2024

Housing Market Recovery

Debate over the U.S. Housing Market


No one can really tell if the San Diego housing market has really started a recover from it’s peak in 2005. Only time will tell if 2012 was the start of a recovery in San Diego home prices.

Housing market recovery

Readers should always keep in mind that the real estate profession is a sales organization and as such has to remain optimistic. But, over optimism can cause potential clients many thousands in eroded home equity.

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1 thought on “Housing Market Recovery – Shiller vs Buffet

  1. Interesting interpretation of data. You show declining fertility rates, but totally ignore the 100 million people added to the U S population by immigration over the last 50 years.
    Real estate values in Arizona bottomed out late last year. If you have any properties in Tucson that you will sell for what they were worth in December 2011, I will gladly buy them.

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