October 17, 2024

The new San Diego’s Central Library

New San Diego Central Library *All photos are taken by & used with permission of Steve Ritter owner of www.soundideas-av.com

Facts About The New Central Library

Construction Began August 2010 Grand Opening September 28, 2013 Location: 330 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92101 (Downtow-East Village, Park Boulevard at 11thAvenue, near Petco Park.) Total Building Size: 497,652 square feet (nine stories including a charter school on two levels, two levels of parking, an auditorium and a café) Parking Spaces: 250 Cost $184.9 millionSan Diego Central LibrarySan Diego new Central LibrarySan Diego downtown Central LibraryCentral Library  San Diego

The new San Diego’s Central Library

3 thoughts on “San Diego’s Central Library

  1. Massive public money has gone into the giant egg. The biggest chunk was from CCDC. Where did they get that $80 mill? The state chipped in $20 mill and SDUSD chipped in $20 mill, where did they get that money? It also adds $3 mill a year to the city operating budget. All for a big ugly silver monument to outdated methods and needs. Donations went into it, but it is still a massive taxpayer funded boondoggle.

  2. The budget for this is $40 million a year!!!

    Now, get real, $40Mil could do a lot more good for neighborhoods than being spent on outdated services served at the speed and cost of government.

  3. Seems to me that the money could have been spent on smaller scale branch libraries in all San Diego neighborhoods instead of building a monument to egos run amok.

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