March 9, 2025

California Homeowners

California homeownersSenate-Passed Tax Legislation Bad News for Homeowners

Yesterday morning, the U.S. Senate, by a vote of 51-49, passed legislation that would change the face of homeownership in this country for decades to come. The House passed its own version of tax reform Nov. 16,2017.

A last-minute change to the Senate version would make up to $10,000 in property taxes deductible for the small number of homeowners who would still be itemizing. Previously, the Senate version had eliminated the property tax deduction entirely. The change aligns with the property tax cap set in the House bill. One difference between the two bills is that the Senate version retains the deductibility of mortgage interest payments on up to $1 million of indebtedness; the House version caps indebtedness at $500,000 (again, for the small minority still itemizing).

Now, members of the Senate and the House must meet to agree on a final bill. It’s not too late to make your voice heard.

Join us in telling your members of Congress that incentives for homeownership and the capital gains tax exclusion on the sale of a home MUST be protected.

California Homeowners

The original House bill would have scrapped most itemized deductions, including those for medical expenses and student loan interest. The charitable giving deduction would be left unchanged, as would the mortgage interest deduction for existing homes. But, new home mortgages would be subject to a lower cap: married couples can currently deduct interest on mortgages worth up to $1,000,000; that would fall to $500,000.

The House an Senate bills would both cap the deduction for state and local property taxes at $10,000 and scrap the deduction for state and local income and sales taxes. The state and local tax (SALT) deduction disproportionately benefits high earners, who are more likely to itemize, and taxpayers in Democratic states.

If the conference committee reconciles the two versions, Congress votes on the final bill. Leaders want to send it to President Trump before Christmas. Now, that’s a very ambitious deadline. usually the reconciliation process between House and Senate bills would last until January 2018.

For more information about both the Senate and House bills, there was a good article that came out yesterday on the Forbes website.

California Homeowners

2 thoughts on “California Homeowners Bad News

  1. The majority of Americans will see a tax decrease, putting more money in their pockets which means people will spend more. That means there will be high demand for service and product, this creates many new jobs. Under the lower tax plan corporations like possibly Apple will come in and make their products here instead of China and elsewhere. We’re talking a possible economic boom here and the Democrats in office should support this plan and I’m sure many secretly do, they also benefit from this.

  2. The only people the Tax Bill doesn’t help , are the people that don’t pay taxes. Of course the ones who make more money will keep more of their money. Why is that bad, They get to keep more of THEIR money. If the Demoncrats would stop giving money to foreign countries and use to help the American Dreamers, The US wouldn’t have so much debt.

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