In a report released by MDA DataQuick the median sales price for homes in Southern California fell to $300,000 in October, a level not seen since 2003 and a 41% drop from the peak price set in the spring and summer of 2007.
Repossessed properties in October accounted for more than half of residences sold. In all ‘bubble cities’ low prices did drive sales up double digits from a year ago.
Surviving and Thriving in Today’s Market- Part I | Real Estate … – If I were a real estate professional practicing in the state of California today, licensed to practice in the entire state of California, I’d be opening an office as fast as I could in Palo Alto! You say “Well, that’s not so easy. …
Orange County California Real Estate REO Market Update – lesliee’s … – Orange County California Real Estate REO Market Update. Posted Dec 12, 2008 @ 6:48 pm, Viewed by 23 Visitors, Read 23 Times. In Orange County California, we’ve seen a slow down in the number of new REO homes for sale in our MLS. …
Harborplace Tower Luxury High Rise Condominiums-Downtown Long … – Harborplace Tower Luxury High Rise Condominiums-Downtown Long Beach California Condos. … Long Beach California Photo Blog · Miami Beach Real Estate · Southern California MLS · Blogroll… Latest Articles. Recent Articles …
San Diego California real estate
This is the result of cooking the books to give home loans to people who otherwise couldn’t even get a car loan. The lenders and the borrowers are equally to blame. They created the bubble that burst- and who are the true victims?– those of us who could actually qualify for the loan and are still making house payments and homes that are rapidly depreciated due to the crooks and liars who cooked the books.
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A house is WORTH what you can sell it for. Since it is virtually impossible to sell a house today, it’s WORTH is obviously less that the asking price.
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“They’re not making any more land”, “It’s different in (insert your city)”, “everyone wants to live here”, “buy now or be priced out forever”…etc. These are all the lines that the sheeple have bought into from the real estate industry and all their “experts”. Bottom, line: this is the tip of the iceberg. People seem to forget history, and how it has a way of repeating itself. This is not a 1 year “slump”, this is an end to a cycle of people’s pie-in-the-sky attitude about real estate. I cannot wait to buy a house in 3-5 years, when prices are REALLY good. If you buy now, you’re overpaying. Think about it: is 20% off an item that is marked up 400% a good deal?
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Thanks for this information. There have been a number of published studies or reports that there are expected to be more foreclosures in 2009 because of the high number of “exploding type” loans set to go off next year. So predicting exactly when this phase will slow down or come to an end is, therefore, very difficult. We have had a number of students advise they have loans which will “explode” in 2009 and 2010 (it hurts to see this, as most of these folks could have avoided these types of financing deals had they only bothered to learn something about real estate before diving into it without the knowledge they’d most likely have picked up in any good Real Estate Principles course
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Why do we think jeopardizing our country’s future for short term gain is a good idea? As a whole, Americans live beyond their means and rely on….credit. You can’t expect Uncle Sam to “fix” all of your personal finance problems. Time to let the chips fall where they may…
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There’s an extremely simple way to avoid foreclosure: make your mortgage payments on time every month. If you are unwilling or unable to do so, then you will lose your house. This is exactly what you agreed to in the mortgage contract that you signed. Expecting the rest of us to “bail you out” is a morally indefensible position.
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Now I realize Greenspan probably kept interest rates too low after the bubble and 9/11 and Congress may have been too aggressive in requiring banks to lend to ‘sub primers’ and Bush may have gone overboard with his ‘ownership society’ schemes but at the end of the day it was the American people that did this. No one was frogged marched down to a mortgage brokers office and water boarded until they signed a loan to buy a house they could not afford. People did it to themselves. I was tempted too I admit and even looked at houses. Met an agent who had drawn up an offer. Looked it over and said ‘lemme think it over’. Called him back the next day and said ‘nope, don’t need a new house.
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Why always blame somebody else? What happened to self responsibility and self accountability? If you cannot afford the house payments then don’t buy a house. If you cannot qualify for a fixed-rate 30-year loan, then that means you are not qualified! It’s your responsibility to know how much you can afford. It’s as simple as that.
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