September 14, 2024

California Small Plane Landing

A new way, at least for me, to view San Diego California real estate.

This was my first flight in a small plane piloted by a good friend of mine, Mr. Jim Wright. Actually, this video is the conclusion of the flight as we set up a perfect landing at Gillespie Field in El Cajon.
The plane is a Cessna 172SP, built in 1999.

What better way to see San Diego real estate than by air! This video is the conclusion of my first small plane flight ever as this two-seater Cessna lands that Gillespie Field in El Cajon. at the start of the flight, we headed west over downtown San Diego the car not all bridge and then headed up the coastline starting at Point Loma up to Delmar, where we turned inland and headed out towards Granite Peak and Mount Laguna, before turning around for a landing that Gillespie Field.

Did you know that there are about a little over 500,000 active certified pilots in the United States? I know this number might sound high but actually it’s been declining for the past couple of decades. Yes, in 1980 there are approximately 827,000 certified pilots in the USA and this was the high point.

Cessna 172SPGillespie Field in El Cajon is a county owned public airport which is approximately 10 miles from downtown San Diego. San Diego County actually owns eight airports, of which Gillespie Field is the oldest. Besides the runways there is a tower N-terminal as well as a number of aviation related businesses. Actually, it’s estimated that Gillespie Field and it’s too business parks provide employment for approximately 3000 people!

Cessna 172SP - California Small Plane Landing

As far as the history for Gillespie Field, it was commissioned as a Marine Corps parachute facility back in 1942. And it derived its name from Marine Lieut. Archibald H Gillespie. In 1946 San Diego County least Gillespie Field and converted it into a public airport.

San Diego aerial photography

San Diego real estate aerial photography.
Gillespie Field California Small Plane Landing






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