March 9, 2025

Jim Cramer - sell stocksThis morning on The Today Show, Jim Cramer said if you own stocks and will need cash from those investments within the next five years, you should sell those investments this week! Why say this on national TV? Obviously, he expects stocks to fall an additional 20% from today's level.

Keep in mind that as of Friday's close, 80% of stocks in the Russell 3,000 are down year-to-date, and a whopping 17% are down more than 50%. Jim Cramer is the host of CNBC's "Mad Money" and co-founder of     

A few prior posts on stocks & the economy:

Govt. Take Over Of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Could Cost Billions

Stocks of Housing Giants Suffer Huge Losses

Former Fed Chief … Would Not Be Surprised If The Housind Drop Was “in double digits.”

Stock Market tumbles 146 points . . . The Perfect Bull Trap on Sub-Prime Woes

Bicoastal Housing Recession Forecast By UCSD Economist

Real Estate vs. Stocks – Which is the Better Investment?



6 thoughts on “Cramer Says SELL Stocks This Week!

  1. We’re in one of those cycles although this one seems deeper than the others I’ve experienced in the past. Sorry to say I think it’s going to be much longer than after the election, btw, I hope I’m wrong.

    Skin Doctor

  2. We’ve been through this back in the early 90’s remember. It takes a few years to recover. I see new construction slowing down which will cause less inventory and if they decide to build it will be much smaller and with more density type homes. Over building and putting people into homes they couldn’t afford was our first mistake.

    San Diego County Vacation

  3. The issue at the core of the recovery is how long it will take to get the number of qualified buyers back. We have lost many homebuyers. All the people in foreclosure can’t buy for at least 3 years because of bank guidelines. Then they will have to save the money too. Plus we have taken some investors out of the market. At what point will new home buyers equal the old foreclosed people is the answer to when the market will come back. My guess is 3 to 5 years.

    LA Bail Specialist

  4. Most very well qualified buyers were unfairly priced out of the market due to abnormal home prices, inflated demand for most sub-par properties, and predatory lending practices didn’t help either. It’s time for us to go back to the basics. It’s only fair that hard working Americans have a fair shot at the American dream. Need I mention that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars aren’t helping either?

    San Diego Cosmetic Surgeon

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