A report yesterday in The New York Times reporting on a consulting firm's analysis, found that departing Fannie Mae head Daniel Mudd stands to collect $9.3 million in severance pay, retirement benefits and deferred compensation under the terms of his employment contract, provided his dismissal is deemed to be "without cause." San Diego CA Realtors
FANNIE MAE AND FREDDI MAC are the public companies traded on stock market. When there was profit the investors got the profit. When they are in loss WHY Taxpayers are asked to pay for the loss. ??????????????? FANNIE MAE AND FREDDI MAC should NOT be bailed out.
In the 70’s people had equity in their homes and credit card debt was not maxed out by as many as it is today it was a much different time, so much so it’s very scary today. San Diego Eye Specialist
The perfect storm of a complete financial collapse is a couple months away. Be ready for a wild ride!
Real Estate Agent
I think that in the long run, everything will probably be okay. The government will save us.
SD Dental
FANNIE MAE AND FREDDI MAC are the public companies traded on stock market. When there was profit the investors got the profit. When they are in loss WHY Taxpayers are asked to pay for the loss. ??????????????? FANNIE MAE AND FREDDI MAC should NOT be bailed out.
San Diego Attorney
In the 70’s people had equity in their homes and credit card debt was not maxed out by as many as it is today it was a much different time, so much so it’s very scary today.
San Diego Eye Specialist