October 23, 2024

San Diego real estate
San Diego real estate

Chris George, president of CMG Mortgage, predicts that no-docs and other nontraditional loans will be back within the next six months as lenders gain confidence. “As with injuries, as with your credit, as with the economy, time heals all wounds,” he says.

The no-doc loan, or stated income loan, is one of the main reasons for our San Diego real estate bust.  It’s incomprehensible that there is even talk of its return. I suppose it will be ‘re-packaged’ into a more PC acceptable connotation. Perhaps, they should call it the California  recovery assistance program … CRAP for short.

San Diego real estate market

6 thoughts on “No-Document Home Loans to Make A Comeback?

  1. Our economic condition was caused by lack of regulation, politicians, Greenspan, or any other government entity. It was caused by people taking out mortgages that they are not repaying. Derivatives were only risky investments if borrowers defaulted on their loans. Bank funds only dry up if people default on their loans. Look up and down your neighborhood streets to find the culprits responsible for the economic catastrophy.

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  2. This is the result of cooking the books to give home loans to people who otherwise couldn’t even get a car loan. The lenders and the borrowers are equally to blame. They created the bubble that burst- and who are the true victims?– those of us who could actually qualify for the loan and are still making house payments and homes that are rapidly depreciated due to the crooks and liars who cooked the books.

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  3. Thanks for this information. There have been a number of published studies or reports that there are expected to be more foreclosures in 2009 because of the high number of “exploding type” loans set to go off next year. So predicting exactly when this phase will slow down or come to an end is, therefore, very difficult. We have had a number of students advise they have loans which will “explode” in 2009 and 2010 (it hurts to see this, as most of these folks could have avoided these types of financing deals had they only bothered to learn something about real estate before diving into it without the knowledge they’d most likely have picked up in any good Real Estate Principles course

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  4. When I was buying a house about 4 years ago, you could not believe the zany loans I was offered. Interest only was big then…”all you need is to pay your interest then whatever you can afford on the principle.” Thank god I wasn’t foolish enough to do that; I’d be one of the many in foreclosure now.

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  5. CA was the perfect state for the subprime mortgage mkt. When you have statistics that show less than 20% of the state can afford to buy a home and yet people were buying houses like nobody’s business there had to be some fancy math going on. They were reporting in 2006 that 80% of new mortgages were non-traditional variable rate/interest only loans because the only way to get people into these overpriced homes was to get creative. Never in our history had home prices skyrocketed like they had in the past 10 years and everyone wanted in on the gravy train, from the person selling his home, the realtor handling it, the banks wanted the bigger mortgages, to the people that thought they deserved an expensive home, to the banks allowing equity to soar so people could turn their homes into ATMs and the banks would get years of interest

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