March 6, 2025

Vote NO on Proposition 19

The non-partisan Legislative Analyst’s Office projects that Proposition 19 could eventually cost California families about two billion dollars annually in higher property taxes.

THE TRANSFER PROVISIONS IN PROPOSITION 19 WERE ALREADY REJECTED BY VOTERS. Current law (Propositions 60 and 90) allows homeowners age 55 and older to move to a replacement home and transfer their base-year property tax assessment from their previous home to the new property. Current law allows this transfer one time, within the same county or to a county that accepts the transfers, and only if the replacement property is of equal or lesser value.

Vote NO on Proposition 19

In 2018, voters were presented with Proposition 5, which would have allowed more transfer opportunities, but voters decided the current system was fair and they overwhelmingly rejected Proposition 5. Now Sacramento politicians are offering this proposal again, but this time they’ve added a massive tax increase on inherited property. It’s a bad deal for California families.

California voters have said clearly that they do not want property reassessed to market value when transferred between parents and children, or, if the children’s parents are deceased, between grandparents and grandchildren. Now Sacramento politicians are trying to take these protections away from California families so they can raise taxes again. Don’t let it happen.

Additional Prop 19 thoughts:

Gavin Newsom approved measure to get more taxes out of long time California residents, even young children who have inherited property from deceased parents. AND I EVEN READ WHEN IT WOULD TAKE EFFECT WHICH IS FEB 1, 2021 for those who inherited property, and April 1, 2021 for 55 and over that are eligible to move 3 times, which timing wise is the sickest thing of all while we are in the middle of a pandemic!

The Crooks in Sacramento have tried this MANY! times. They said they needed to fix ” roads and bridges”, it has a cover to get rid of Prop 13, They said ” We need to fix schools” it was a cover to remove prop 13, Now they ” need funding for fighting wildfires”, to remove prop 13. NEWS FLASH! Your State taxes ALREADY! pay for wild fire services and Federal Tax money pays for Wild fire protection, They are LIARS! Never trust these LIARS!

We have given billions to help with wildfires! CA LEADERSHIP has mismanaged the money and who knows where that money is going! Cause it’s not going to combat fires! Its BS!


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