March 9, 2025
Best real estate markets in 2015.

Real Estate Appreciation 2015

Top 10 cities for real estate appreciation in 2015

2015 real estate outlook
Georgia Tech

In a recent Realtor report it was forecast that there would be a widespread real estate recovery in 2015.

In a few weeks I’ll publish a post that talks about not only the majority view of the real estate market for 2015, but also my personal Outlook for the 2015. San Diego real estate market.

Now, I’d like to note that this recent Realtor report also predicted what the best real estate markets in the United States that are indicating above average potential appreciation in 2015.

So, the top 10 cities in the United States for potential above-average appreciation are:

Atlanta Georga

Dallas-Fort Worth TX


Des Moines, Iowa


Los Angeles, CA

Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN

Phoenix, AZ

San Jose, Santa Clara, California

Washington DC

The housing industry has been and continues to recover from the most serious decline in home prices since the Great Depression.

Unlike any other real estate downturn, this one was not caused by tight monetary policy (i.e., high interest rates), but by easy lending standards and a housing price bubble that fueled excess construction of single‐family homes and condominiums.

After several years of extremely low housing starts, the outlook for 2013‐17 is very positive. But, here in California, one may wish to heed the recent remarks by Leslie Appleton-Young, chief economist for the California Assn. of Realtors: “The economy is doing better and [mortgage interest] rates are still really low, but it looks like housing affordability is keeping a damper on things.”

Be sure to get a free subscription to this blog so you don’t miss any of our future real estate articles. Also, if you’d like to see what my forecast was for the real estate market in 2014, click this hyperlink: San Diego real estate market outlook 2014

Real Estate Appreciation 2015