March 9, 2025

Government real estate programs
Government real estate programs

Shadow inventory is made up of all the properties that are in foreclosure or headed toward foreclosure that haven’t hit the market yet. There are 7 million homes in this shadow inventory category.  What the government isn’t telling you is that their moratoriums and loss mitigation programs created a huge surge of foreclosures that are about to pop.

Their effort to decrease foreclosures has backfired.

You think there are a lot of homes on the market now? There are 7 Million more coming that the government has created in this shadow foreclosure inventory. That’s 2 times the amount of homes that are currently on the market now!

The government’s Making Home Affordable (MHA) modification program and FHA’s Hope for Homeowners refinance program DO NOT WORK for borrowers that are too wealthy or owe too much on their homes. The number of foreclosures for high end and luxury homes in increasing and there are a ton of luxury homes in this shadow inventory.

San Diego California real estate agents

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