February 12, 2025

San Diego California real estateSan Diego city councilman Carl DeMaio released a report yesterday that showed San Diego city employees earning $100,000 or more in salaries is 12% of all workers. More amazing is the report's finding that the number of city employees earning $100k or more increased by 44% from just last year!

These facts are hard to comprehend in light of the fact that the city has a projected $50 million deficit and is currently considering closing libraries, recreational facilities, raising fees and increasing the sales tax.                                                                              San Dieho home sales





3 thoughts on “San Diego City in Debt … Increases $100K Salaries

  1. I heard San Diego was practically bankrupt due to their pension funding. Seems like this can only make it worse. Next thing you know they will raiser property taxes, sewer charges and sale taxes just to pay for (lack of) merit pay increases for city workers. Sounds terrible. I’d rather have the gators to watch out for than the San Diego City vultures.
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