March 5, 2025

8 thoughts on “Subprime Loan Perspective – Interview with Former Golden West Financial CEO

  1. When I saw how the housing prices were going up, up, up and most peoples’ salaries didn’t pay enough to afford them, I knew the market was going to crash three or four years ago. Some real estate dealers and owners were just so incredibly greedy. They ask for a sales price or rent not based on how much they really need to charge to recover their expenses and make a reasonable profit, but on getting the maximum money for themselves, without regard for the effect on society.

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  2. At the start of this debacle I thought the bankers had found a cheap and dirty way to get into the real estate business. That is: take the extra cash from the unwashed, leave them with debt and rent them the house they thought they were buying. As it turns out, either the American financial guru’s were asleep in Econ101, or the science of Economics is crap. I never could figure out the “consumer based economy,” apparently, neither have the financial folks. J.P. Morgan once quipped; “I can hire half the workers to kill the other half.” To his credit he never tried. Lenin and Trotsky one-upped Morgan by proving that they could talk workers into killing capitalists for free. I don’t know how this will turn out, but I am not sure that poverty is as bad as advertised.

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  3. The genesis of this meltdown is the outrageous decriminalization of usury by the United States Congress which allowed predatory lending at stratospheric interest rates, and the perversion of the Internal Revenue Code, rewarding layoffs of American workers, outsourcing of their jobs to the cheapest wog-land labor market, and the offshore relocation of fat-cat corporations with little or no tax liability. Home buyers are mostly what are known in the securities business as unsophisticated investors and when they have gotten sucked into adjustable rate mortgages just so they could get a tiny piece of the American Dream, little did they know that this most predictable of economic disasters would be laid mostly upon them. Congress is a club of millionaire whore lobbyists, run by big-money lobbyists. Example of how we’ve been screwed: the infamous Senate Bill 256, which forbids the discharge of medical and credit card debts, condemning its victims to a lifetime of fiscal misery.

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  4. I believe a lot of people who purchased with subprime loans and were not really qualified have to accept the inevitable consequences and perhaps build up their savings and credit while renting until the next purchase opportunity.


  5. Yes house prices might fall even more than during the great depression but maybe there are just different drivers and each depression will be driven by completely different circumstances. Maybe a recession would not be a bad thing over the long run.

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