October 16, 2024

Real Estate Broker Ransomware

This is a video about Ransomware directed toward real estate brokers and real estate agents.If you read my post on real estate directed Ransomware on July 27, 2017, actually there’s no need to look at this video as I basically took the text from that to create this video. Naturally if you haven’t read my July 27 post, now you don’t have to, just watch this video!

A recent report by Google estimated that rent somewhere has scammed people for over $25 million just in the last two years!Real Estate Broker Ransomware

California real estate - New California Real Estate Tax - Real Estate Broker Ransomware

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t think Realtors or real estate agents are being specifically targeted because of their profession. I just think the cyber criminals are going after all professional business people by specifically creating emails with subjects and titles related to their individual industries. By doing this, I think they have a better chance of having the naïve  business professional click on the infected attachments and thereby set themselves up for a ransom demand.

The cost for  the cost for data storage especially on external hard drives has dropped tremendously over the last couple of years. Right now you could buy two or 3 TB of storage on a computer external hard drive for well under $100 (see links below). If you’re a real estate broker real estate agent this is on nominal amount to pay for the protection that it can afford all your data. Individual agents, unless they’re backing up videos or a lot of audio files  such as podcast really don’t need this much room for a backup drive. But, after you backup your real estate files at the office, you can take it home and backup your personal files on your computer as well.

Having all your important business data backed up by an external hard drive is like cheap insurance. How many real estate professionals would not have car insurance? Also, I’d venture that none of us would ever really want to use our car insurance, but we’re glad it’s there, just in case. I think this should be the same attitude taken toward buying an external hard drive for your real estate business files. Now, I know you’re probably going to get around to doing it, but if you don’t do it right now you might be looking at  a Ransomware in your immediate future.

For more info on Ransomware, visit Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


Real Estate Broker Ransomware









3 thoughts on “Real Estate Broker Ransomware

  1. Microsoft knew for long time about these holes in their OS. Microsoft gives out those vulnerabilities to NSA who make tools that take advantage of the weaknesses. Not long ago NSA’s tools were accidentally leaked or something, and millions of “hacking” tools weren’t under their control anymore. It’s no secret, those shady motherfuckers are sniffing up our assholes and have been doing it for long time. You have no privacy. When will people finally understand that?

  2. A lot of “Security Updates” are often laced with stupid “features” just so M$ can dig their grubby hands down deeper into your computer. It is no secret that new updates for Win 8 and 8.1 is filled with crap to make it more like Win 10. That includes all the information “sharing” features that you can’t turn off that send info to Microsoft. Essentially, Windows is turning into a keylogger, spyware, and ransomware all in one. Oh and don’t forget, it is also adware too.

  3. The reason people don’t update is because the sociopathic, reptilian scumbags at M$ use every dirty trick in the book to invade your privacy, including “upgrading” your OS against your will, harassing you non-stop and attempting to trick you into doing so so they can plant spyware and DRM in your computer. And now they’ve stopped allowing individual updates; you either install absolutely everything M$ wants to shove onto your computer, or you go unpatched.

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