In San Diego, the volume of unsold homes is up 38% from last year, with 6,300 units on the market; 84% of unsold units are condos, according to PP&R. During the boom, San Diego also saw nearly 70% of borrowers use adjustable rate mortgages with low introductory rates; many of those are on the verge of adjusting to higher rates. “Rates are still low, but relative to the introductory rates, the readjustments will be significantly higher,” P&PR spokesperson “Now that credit standards have tightened up, getting refinanced is really difficult now. That’s really troubling.”[tags]San Diego real estate,San Diego real estate market,San Diego real estate bubble,housing bubble, real estate bubble[/tags] San Diego real estate agent
4 thoughts on “San Diego homes unsold inventory up 38% from 2006”
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San Diego Condos always move up fast at the end of a strong market..this move marks the top of the move. Than, the condos are the leaders on the down-side! This is want is happening now! adult acne
The downtown San Diego real estate market is 100% condominiums and they have been and continue to take a huge hit! Lasik surgery San Diego
This is going to be a very bad year for San Diego real estate values! San Jose criminal defense lawyers
Many San Diego homeowners will be forced into bankruptcy by years end unless San Diego real estate prices recover. I’m NOT hopeful the will. acne treatments