(San Francisco Chronicle, Apr. 12th): "The National Association of Realtors [NAR] predicted last week that the median price of existing U.S. homes is expected to fall 0.7% this year, the first time that has happened since records started in the late 1960s. The forecast was startling, coming from the normally upbeat industry group. Last year… the nationwide median price of an existing home rose a modest 1%… The NAR has also lowered its 2007 forecast for sales of new and existing homes.[tags]real estate market,housing market,home values[/tags] downtown San Diego condominiums
7 thoughts on “Realtors forecast falling home prices – Surprise, Surprise”
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Wow! A little truth in real estate for a change! Too bad it’s two years late! adult acne
Classic . real estate bull! Too little..too late! San Diego laser eye surgery
As far as this real estate forecast goes, they have the direction correct, except for the San Diego real estate market, where we are down 10-20% in values in many areas! San Diego drunk driving defense
Well, it’s about time! The problem is that this housing news is two years too late! Los Angeles criminal defense
Sure, report housing news way after the fact..how can you go wrong? I think the Realtors are now saying it’s the time to buy, the market has bottomed. Sure, but now they are two years too soon in reporting real estate news. San Diego hotels
Where was this housing news in 2004 or 2005? Real reporting could have saved many from making home purchases that are now worth LESS than the outstanding loans on the homes! acne treatments
Who is really putting any faith in what the real estate industry is saying? This is pure crap! The news should be we missed the market drop and have NO idea when things will improve! Los Angeles divorce lawyer