October 18, 2024

homeownersAccording to reliable sources, House and Senate banking committee leaders are close to an agreement on a landmark housing bill on which the Senate might vote on this week. This legislative package would, in part, authorize the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) to refinance 400,000 to 500,000 at-risk loans to prevent additional foreclosures. The bill would raise the FHA loan limits, and allow use of taxpayer funds, to pay for the FHA foreclosure rescue package. The cost to the taxpayer could be $960 million over three years. We can hope that the final revision, after passing both the House and Senate, will eliminate the taxpayer funding provision.                   San Diego MLS listings




5 thoughts on “Goverment to Use FHA Bail Out Homeowners

  1. As the Chairman of The Federal Reserve speaks about “Juicing the Economy” are we as Americans looking to what the long term will bring. If we keep making the dollar so easy to borrow as a short term stimulus to our economy are we not devaluing the current abroad making foreign products cost more to import?

    SD Plastic Surgery

  2. In the end, the coming days, weeks, and months, it will become increasingly more important that The Federal Reserve and it’s policy makers in the government keep an eye on both Wall Street and Main Street. America is made of lot of little guys that make our economy run…… If the little guy has a problem in our economy… The Big Guys in our economy feel the pinch.

    OC Lawyers

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