October 21, 2024

Real Estate 2016

Should you get into the 2016 real estate market?

As far as the San Diego California 2016 real estate market outlook, I’ve already given my opinion and thought that by posting this video my readers would be able to get another point of view.

When viewing this video keep in mind that it was produced in 2011. But, probably more importantly, this is just one person’s opinion.

Real Estate 2016 As San Diego real estate and for that matter, most of California real estate, has seen a nice recovery for the last four or five years, there is a distinct possibility that for 2016 the majority of the country will be playing catch-up to the residential real estate equity appreciation that we have already seen.

Also, one should keep in mind, that as long as the real estate favorable tax write offs remain most high earning individuals and couples, depending on their down payment can very well be owning a home in San Diego for much less than they would be renting a similar San Diego property.

So, even if the San Diego California real estate market is flat in 2016, or just up a couple of percent for the year, depending on your earnings and tax brackets, owning a home here in sunny San Diego can be a much better investment than renting.

I’d like to say to keep in mind that the opinions on the video and my opinions with 30 years of residential real estate experience, are still just opinions. So, when it comes to considering whether or not to make possibly your biggest investment decision, you should gather a number of opinions, and then talk with both your legal and accounting advisers before making a definitive decision.

With that said, purchasing San Diego real estate in 2016 for your personal residence can be a very conservative and tax favorable move for many. With the average San Diego single-family detached home running around $500,000, even a modest 2% appreciation would return a gross of $10,000 versus perhaps paying $2000 a month, or $24,000 for a years rental in San Diego.

It’s really your decision … Choose wisely!

Real Estate 2016

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