March 10, 2025

Commercial Real EstateOne of the nations leading investment fund managers, Blumberg Capital Partners, said research by their commercial real estate staff suggests significant price erosion of as much as 15% this year, across many markets and 20% in 2009.

Philip Blumberg, Chairman and CEO of Blumberg Capital Partners said: A number of commercial property investors who bought since 2005 are now finding that they overpaid and are overleveraged, with few avenues to refinance. Unfortunately, too many of those buyers had unrealistic expectations: the economy would continue growing unabated, capital flows would remain at unrealistic levels, pricing of commercial office buildings would continue growing, new buyers would continue emerging and credit would always be plentiful.                               san diego commercial real estate


6 thoughts on “Commercial Real Estate Slump Possible in 2009

  1. Federal dealings in the gold market have the potential to seriously disrupt the free market by either artificially inflating or deflating the price of gold. Given gold’s importance to America’s (and the world’s) monetary system, any federal interference in the gold market will have ripple effects through the entire economy. For example, if the government were to intervene to artificially lower the price of gold, the result would be to hide the true effects of an inflationary policy until the damage was too severe to remain out of the public eye.

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  2. The US debt in the hands of foreign governments is 25% of the total, virtually double the 1988 figure of 13%. Despite the declining willingness of foreign investors to continue investing in US-dollar–denominated instruments as the US Dollar has fallen in 2007, the U.S. Treasury statistics indicate that, at the end of 2006, foreigners held 44% of federal debt held by the public. About 66% of that 44% was held by the central banks of other countries, in particular the central banks of Japan and China. In total, lenders from Japan and China held 47% of the foreign-owned debt.

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  3. To all the prudent homebuyers of the world: those who are not underwater on their loans, those who have no mortgage, and all the renters, DO NOT ACQUIESCE TO THIS WITHOUT PROTEST! Your money is about to be taken to bail out those who foolishly purchased housing using option-ARMS, no-doc loans, ridiculous teaser rates, and what-not. The people making these decisions are your elected representatives. Make sure you send them a message: fire these traitors in the next election.

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  4. In my working class neighborhood it was hard to miss that something went wrong when all the houses tripled in value. No one here got a raise but young families somehow bought homes that we’re half-million dollar fixer-uppers. The only reason the fed, banks, and the government missed it was that they were too busy counting their money to care where it was coming from.

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