March 10, 2025

For thousands of Americans struggling through the recession, it’s not the bank that’s threatening to foreclose, it’s the homeowner association. It’s a clause that caught one Texas couple who owe $1,800 in fees.


If you are in trouble with your condo association, the best advice is to talk with a real estate attorney ASAP!  A good starting point to locate a real estate lawyer, would be  San Diego attorneys, a directory for San Diego California lawyers and also links to other legal directories.

San Diego California home listings

3 thoughts on “Condo Association Home Foreclosures on the Rise

  1. If you are going to buy a home that you are planning on living in, buy one that you can afford, taxes and insurance and maintenance included. The “asking” price does not tell the whole story, nor does the “adjustable” loan. People paid too much thinking they could flip the house, found no buyer and the adjustable loan was “adjusting”, just like they’d been warned. Of course, no one fore saw the gas prices, the electricity prices, the food prices going through the roof, and all the unemployment.

    San Diego real estate

  2. Hello writers and readers. I’m somewhat new to the San Diego real estate arena and I’m seeking advice.Please forgive me for not posting in the correct area. I didn’t know where to go.

    Numerous vacant, foreclosed homes are being put into ruins by graffiti, vandalism, and theft. Some of these homes have so much damage done to them that they cannot be sold. However an occupied home is more attractive and easier to sell.
    I’m currently a full time student and I’m looking for a job opportunity as a caretaker/house sitter for vacant homes. What is the best way to gain access to these opportunities? Thanks!

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