March 7, 2025

Jim Cramer - real estate market bottomJim Cramer is the host of CNBC's "Mad Money" and co-founder of Cramer has also been a contributor to New York magazine, and an occasional contributor to Time magazine. The outspoken stock market analyst said last week that the bottom in the housing decline will occur during the 3rd quarter of 2009.

Mr. Cramer reached his conclusion by combining a long list of signs that seem to show the market is stabilizing. These factors are an increase in sales volume brought on by falling prices, a slowdown in new home construction, combined with US government efforts to help troubled homeowners and new population growth that should spur household creation.

A few of our past popular posts concerning a housing bottom were:

Greenspan … Housing Bottom In Sight

San Diego Real Estate Market Bottom?

2% Increase In Existing Home Sales For May

Housing Slump Will Go Continue at least To 2009


San Diego monthly events

3 thoughts on “Cramer Calls the Bottom in Real Estate Market

  1. When I was buying a house about 4 years ago, you could not believe the zany loans I was offered. Interest only was big then…”all you need is to pay your interest then whatever you can afford on the principle.” Thank god I wasn’t foolish enough to do that, I’d be one of the many in foreclosure now.

    SD Researcher

  2. Most of you are conditioned sheeple. The majority of homeowners did not buy in the last 3 years. The majority of homeowners have plenty of equity in their homes. It’s a very small group in trouble. Those in trouble will become renters again. Owners with equity will buy up most the foreclosed homes. Renters: look for the notice that your rent is going up. The rich get richer the poor get poorer. Pay attention.

    San Diego Plastic Surgeon

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