If you can no longer afford to make your monthly loan payments, you may qualify for a loan modification to make your monthly mortgage payment more affordable. Millions of borrowers who are current, but having difficulty making their payments and borrowers who have already missed one or more payments may be eligible. To see if you are eligible, a good first place to start is the government’s home modification eligibility website page that can be found at: http://www.makinghomeaffordable.gov/modification_eligibility.html
2 thoughts on “Home Affordable Loan Modifications – Are You Eligible?”
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We should continue helping those in need of their mortgages because we don’t want to see any more percentages rise through the roof!
Orange County business lawyers
I think that there will definitely be a refinance boom with rates so low. Those home owners that did not fall victim to buying too much house or taking out the wrong kind of loan can definitely reap the rewards that the low interest rates bring. Especially with the government refi programs available, anyone with decent credit can take advantage.