March 4, 2025

hoe equity mortgageCitigroup spent $1 billion advertising it's Live Richly campaign from 2001 to 2006 encouraging Americans to take out home equity loans. Marketing executives knew that "second mortgage" had an unappealing ring. So they seized the idea of "home equity," with its connotations of ownership and fairness. Advertising historians look back at the '80s as the time when bank marketing came into its own. Citigroup led the way by hiring away advertising staff from packaged goods companies like General Mills and General Foods, where catchy ads were more common. "Banking started using consumer advertising techniques more like a department store than like a bank," said Barbara Lippert, an advertising critic for the magazine Adweek.                                     San Diego California income property listings

5 thoughts on “Home Equity vs. Second Mortgage

  1. It’s much harder for troubled borrowers to get a loan now. The lending industry has tightened up standards for lending to eliminate the slide of foreclosures due to subprime lending practices targeting those troubled borrowers. The local media has presented the facts in a negative light, but a return to normalcy is about to occur. San Diego Real Estate Sales

  2. Peter Lynch has been quoted as saying the following:
    “You get recessions, you have stock market declines. If you don’t understand that’s going to happen, then you’re not ready, you won’t do well in the markets.”
    Peter understands this is reality. Do you? Just as there are ups and downs in the stock market, there are ups and downs in the real estate market. Welcome to reality! Los Angeles / Orange County Attorneys

  3. If things do get really tough (depression like) it will be interesting to see how the generation (X’ers) handle it. I hope that our economic situation doesn’t deteriorate that much but, in hind sight we are probably due for a reshuffling of the status quo…All this said, in a way I think tough times might be good for our nation, free market capitalism has been of limited success, in which the already prosperous for the most part have managed to increase that prosperity disproportionately in relation to the rest of our society. And the current wealth gap is clearly indicative proof of this. Hopefully, no matter what the course and consequences of our current economic situation our country and society will be made better by the challenges presented by it. LA Law

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