January 14, 2025
The Government is working on a comprehensive plan to try to halt the ongoing wave of home foreclosures as part of its efforts to stabilize the financial system. The $50 billion package may include a program to buy up distressed mortgages at discount prices, subsidies to help struggling homeowners make their monthly payments and national standards for modifying home loans to more affordable terms.
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4 thoughts on “Home Foreclosures … New Government Plan?

  1. To all the prudent homebuyers of the world: those who are not underwater on their loans, those who have no mortgage, and all the renters, DO NOT ACQUIESCE TO THIS WITHOUT PROTEST! Your money is about to be taken to bail out those who foolishly purchased housing using option-ARMS, no-doc loans, ridiculous teaser rates, and what-not. The people making these decisions are your elected representatives. Make sure you send them a message: fire these traitors.

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  2. NO ONE IS LISTENING and the bottom line is NO ONE CARES if we lose our home. Is it that hard to help your fellow man in the time of need? I wouldn’t wish our situation on anyone. These last 10 months have been hell for us. So if anyone has an ear to hear what your normal all american family is going through, let them hear. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. I’ve heard all the words and seen no action.

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