October 18, 2024

 The chart below shows continued rising delinquencies across the board in Residential Real Estate, Commercial Real Estate, and Consumer Credit cards. housing delinquency rates

Nearly five in ten Americans (48%) are uncomfortable with the total amount of household debt they have according to a nationwide survey by LendingTree. Furthermore, the survey discovered that 54% do not have a financial plan, proving the majority of Americans have no intention or definitive strategy to manage the amount of debt they have accumulated.      San Diego home sales




5 thoughts on “Home Mortgage Real Estate Delinquencies Rising Across the Board

  1. Homes will always be unaffordable to the average person in high priced CA as long as government subsidize home owners in the form of mortgate tax deductions, and Fannie Mae bailouts. Remove the interest tax deduction and watch the prices correct 50%. This place a bottom on home prices and increase home ownership than further government meddling. The issue is affordability, not unemployment. Prices are still too high due to government tax policies and bad lending practices.

    >San Diego Vacations Coordinator

  2. Dummies should have made sure they could afford houses before buying them. Lenders should have been more analytical is choosing borrowers who really had the capacity to repay loans at whatever the maximum interest rate could be after any teaser rate ended. Fools–all of the players in this drama are fools.

    SD brokerage

  3. Everyone likes to talk about the foreclosures as if it’s a bad thing when the reality is that it’s an incredibly good thing. All the bad loans inflated the market well beyond what it should have been. As these people default on their bad loans the price of housing corrects, as it should, and maybe the rest of us get to buy. This story is good news and it should be reported as such. Or, would we all be better off if the government steps in and inflates pricing again.

    San Diego Real Estate

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