October 18, 2024

Being a real estate broker for over three decades, I can unequivocally state that the basic facts in this video are correct. Today, everyone is blaming Wall Street or dishonest mortgage brokers. But, one has to trace back the real cause that allowed this to occur.


Also, be sure to read these related posts:

Real Estate Emergency Rescue Package – The Devil’s in The Details

Are the Rating Agencies at The Cause of Our Financial Mess?

The Paulson Plan – Still Wrong

Government Bail-Out – Risk & Reward

Housing Bail-Out … Pass or Depression

New Govt. Financial Dictator


San Diego CA real estate



3 thoughts on “Housing Bailout – The Real Cause?

  1. “They’re not making any more land”, “It’s different in (insert your city)”, “everyone wants to live here”, “buy now or be priced out forever”…etc. These are all the lines that the sheeple have bought into from the real estate industry and all their “experts”. Bottom, line: this is the tip of the iceberg. People seem to forget history, and how it has a way of repeating itself. This is not a 1 year “slump”, this is an end to a cycle of people’s pie-in-the-sky attitude about real estate. I cannot wait to buy a house in 3-5 years, when prices are REALLY good. If you buy now, you’re overpaying. Think about it: is 20% off an item that is marked up 400% a good deal?

    Clinical Research

  2. Thanks for this information. There have been a number of published studies or reports that there are expected to be more foreclosures in 2009 because of the high number of “exploding type” loans set to go off next year. So predicting exactly when this phase will slow down or come to an end is, therefore, very difficult. We have had a number of students advise they have loans which will “explode” in 2009 and 2010 (it hurts to see this, as most of these folks could have avoided these types of financing deals had they only bothered to learn something about real estate before diving into it without the knowledge they’d most likely have picked up in any good Real Estate Principles course

    Texas Bail Bonds

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