March 9, 2025

Real Estate photography

San Diego 2013 real estate

Even though the title of this post is real estate photography. It actually pertains to improving your general photography skills.

It never ceases to amaze me when looking through the San Diego MLS listing photos, how many San Diego agents don’t seem to put any forethought into the home photos that they put into the MLS system.

Sure, I’m not talking about becoming another Ansell Adams, but just putting thought into your subject your lighting and your angles can really enhance and convey the true feel for your clients property.

On September 22, 2013. Sony is offering a free beyond basics photo class in the fashion Valley Mall. I understand that normally these classes go for about $90 each, but, if you register online, you can get this one for free. The photo class runs from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM.

This class is not about real estate photography, but what you learn here can be invaluable in today’s visual Internet real estate marketplace.

I’m in no way connected with Sony, and just passing along this information in an effort to help other San Diego real estate agents. If you’re interested the following link will take you to the Sony sign-up page:



Real estate photography

5 thoughts on “Real Estate Photography

  1. having a good expensive camera doesn’t make someone a good photographer. to become good photographer you need to invest your time and effort in learning photography. take some lessons or attend some workshops. its going to be a waste of money if you dont know how to use your camera.

  2. I’d rather spend 2 quality hours with a master than spend 8 hours on the internet picking through tutorials and watching videos where you can’t ask what people are doing WHEN they are doing it. You miss too much on internet tutorials when people don’t put down enough details about what they’re doing along the way. At least on a lesson you can ask a question at the time.

  3. dude photography lessons are so the past, researching using the internet is more than equivalent

  4. The primary use of taking photography classes is for feedback from someone who actually knows what the fuck they are doing. Try getting THAT from the internet….

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