October 17, 2024

San Diego real estate blogIt's Always A Good Time To Buy Real Estate…right??

In 2005, the media ‘talking heads’ adamantly asserted that a San Diego housing bubble was a myth.  In the Spring of 2006 they said the ‘minor correction’ was over and in the Spring of 2007 said it was time to jump on the great home values.  Most recently they were predicting a likely turnaround for the Spring of 2008.  Yes, the industry ‘insiders’ have had a perfect record for being wrong.  But, wait … the Spring of 2009 may see our long awaited turnaround.  Just don’t bet your house on it!     San Diego real estate agents

3 thoughts on “San Diego Real Estate Bubble … What Bubble?

  1. Pingback: www.buzzflash.net
  2. Great Blog! I have been selling real estate in Bend Oregon since 1981 and find it refreshing to find a helpful blog like yours! Keep up the good work!

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