March 5, 2025

San Diego Real Estate Internet Traffic

We had over 25,100  unique visitors to this site last month! Please keep in mind I’m not talking about hits here, I’m talking about unique visitors a much more accurate way to track website popularity.

San Diego Real Estate Internet Traffic - San Diego real estate site for sale

A unique visitor is one visit from a unique IP address  within a 24-hour period. What this means, is that if you visited this site today from your smart phone, laptop, or desktop computer, it would count your visit as one unique visit. If a few hours later today, you again visited the site from the same Internet appliance, your second visit would not be counted at all. If you visited again the following day, or perhaps I should say at least a minimum of 24 hours from your last visit, it would count you as another unique visitor.

San Diego Real Estate Internet Traffic

When people talk about website traffic or website popularity if they mention the number of hits they are getting, they are exposing the fact  that they are not knowledgeable on the subject of website popularity.

Now, as far as residential real estate website traffic goes, at least as it pertains to major metropolitan areas like San Diego, it takes tens of thousands of unique visitors to equal one solid real estate transaction. some real estate agents who have had websites for years, I’m sure realizes fact. If you hope to generate real estate business from your website, you need huge traffic to do so!

This is why the vast majority of real estate agent websites function more like Internet billboards then new business generators! Now, don’t get me wrong I believe that every agent needs a website. Your website is a great way for putting down all your accomplishments, your unique marketing approaches, with actual examples, posting yours and your offices client recommendations and naturally posting your latest listings and videos.

One of the secrets of the Internet marketing is to have more than one website. So even if you have your own website now it might be prudent to consider  a second site that focuses in either on your location or your your unique marketing proposition.  In this regard, I have been aging quite a number  of  residential real estate sites not only throughout San Diego County but also in Los Angeles, San Francisco and the number of other major cities in California. These sites are all approximately 6 years old, set up on an easy to use WordPress platform, and most importantly of all, have a large amount of real estate traffic going to then every month and already rank high for top level California city real estate search terms.

Once these real estate websites are sold that is it … I’m not making any other ones!

Sure you can have some company set up a  cookie cutter residential real estate site for you. What’s different with my offer is that my sites are already ranking for popular city or neighborhood locations within cities in California on page 1 of at least one or more of the three main search engines! Plus, they are all generating quite a bit of traffic right now and have many backlinks. If you’re interested in owning one of these unique sites, email me at:  with the subject ‘California real estate website’. A few of these websites are really set up for brokers  and multiple city neighborhoods.

For further details about, visit: San Diego real estate website for sale






San Diego Real Estate Internet Traffic










