March 6, 2025

San Diego California real estate market - www.brokerforyou.comAs in any market, falling prices and increasing volume is not a bullish signal! I have no doubt the problems in the real estate market are deep but, things do seem to be thawing a bit.

Keep in mind, with thousands of homes on the sell side, who is going to power the much heralded rebound in prices? It could be a very long wait. Plus, more real estate problems lie ahead, such as rising yields on Treasuries, which will push mortgage rates higher, hurting any rebound in real estate sales.

Everyone compares this economic downturn to the 1930s. A better paralell is the 1870s when the railroad boom and bust caused cash shortages accross the country. It was also the point when the United States overtook England as the dominant country in the world. England didn't die, it just faded in power. That is what is happening to the US today while China is moving up. The difference is that the English government didn't pile on a bunch of debt to enslave the next several generations to the bankers like the US government has.                                

San Diego real estate agents


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