March 6, 2025

Vote to Ban Evictions

California housing crisis   -   Vote to Ban Evictions

Seattle vote to ban evictions

I’m pretty sure that the politicians in Sacramento are really upset that the they didn’t come up with this crazy law first! Please click on the link above to read the full article about what’s going on with the Seattle city Council and their ban on evictions from December through March.

Luckily, so far the mayor has not sign this into law. But, even if the mayor vetoes it, since it was in a unanimous vote by the city Council they could override the veto with just a two thirds vote.

Vote to Ban Evictions

What’s really troubling about this is the fact that it was a unanimous vote and second of all if the city of Seattle thinks this will be harsh on people who haven’t paid their rent they should come up with housing for those people who are going to be evicted and or make their rent payments for them! But, instead of doing this they are forcing the landlords to cover three months worth of rent. Not only is this totally wrong, but it seems to be to be totally unconstitutional!

And as it is usual with these crazy socialist policies, they made no provision for any compensation to landlords, who lose rent for three months. Rather, they say they will look in to it and to study it in the future. So, what is a small landlord going to do who has a four-plex where they live in one unit and rent out the other three? With the potential for losing three months worth of rent because of this law should they tell their mortgage lender that they now cannot make the full mortgage payment?

This is so obvious that the city Council considers anybody that owns real estate for rent to be some evil capitalist, it’s really sickening. If this crazy law goes through guaranteed the value of rental real estate in the city of Seattle will take a big dive!

It’s one thing to implement crazy socialist policies like here in California like paying for medical care for illegals by the state, and quite another thing to have a crazy law to say that individual property owners will have to pay for Seattle’s crazy socialist ideas.

Anyway, I think all rental property owners in California should be scared – very, very scared!