Who’s Buying Homes in the U.S.?
Real estate buyers:

Buying a home in today’s market can seem overwhelming, especially if you are looking for your very first home. However, the home buying process can be broken down into 10 basic steps. Of course, the first step is to get a written pre-approval.
You should also make sure to hire the right buyer’s agent who will make the whole process as smooth as possible.

Here are 10 questions to ask your real estate agent:
1. How long have you been in the business?
2. Why did you get into real estate?
3. How many clients do you have?
4. Will I be working with you or your team?
5. What area do you primarily do business in?
6. What sets you apart from other real estate agents?
7. How do your fees work?
8. After hearing my needs, what do you feel is the best strategy moving forward?
9. How will we communicate?
10. What questions do you have for me?
10 basic steps in the home buying process:
1. Get a pre-approval.
2. Find a good buyer’s agent. Interview several agents in order to find the right one.
3. Start the search process.
4. Find your house.
5. Have an inspection. Hire a good inspector – looking for major items and safety/security, deferred maintenance, etc.
6. Purchase and sale. (P&S)
7. Deposit check.
8. Apply for your mortgage. This usually happens on/before you sign the P&S. You should receive your mortgage commitment about 12-21 days after the P&S
9. Final details. Get your homeowner’s insurance, call movers, turn on utilities, and wire the funds for closing.
10. Close and move into your new house. This is the best part – enjoy your new home!

For information about San Diego California check out the City’s official website.
$400k in TX will get you a huge house about 5,rooms 4 bathrooms, 3 or four living rooms. And a big backyard. And with money to spare you can buy yourself a Mercedes.
I just got a crappy small home for 24k in Central FL, in a so so neighborhood. But, it was 24k which I paid cash and will be renting for $750/ month once I move out in a yr or so. Screw Cali, you guys are overpaying over there.