February 7, 2025

Ronald Reagan Memorial Day Video

An outstanding tribute to America and those who served their country. This video is a proper way to remember them by the best President in modern history. Please share this.

In every age there are heroes. You want to know the true definition of a hero? He is the man or woman, no matter how brave or important… That are the people who are there when action is called for. They act when the act is necessary, irregardless of their own situation. They aren’t trying to be a hero. Most times they want more than anything else to live…not sacrifice their own lives. But they were the right person, at the right time…and they became human, and they inspire us all.

Regardless of what you may think about the current “wars” in the Middle East we must honor and respect those who wear the uniform, leave home and family, and serve their Nation far from home. Forget “politics” when you think of the individual sacrifices made by our young countrymen and women. Vietnam? An unnecessary waste of life and money but don’t forget the young men and women who did serve. They did it for us and don’t forget it. Respect the sacrifice!!

Ronald Reagan Memorial Day Video