October 24, 2024

San Diego real estate median sales prices  in June for both detached and attached homes decreased, although modestly, in most neighborhoods.

The San Diego home price data was derived from data published by the San Diego Association of Realtors and the graphs were  produced by www.websitetrafficbuilders.com

San Diego home values
San Diego home values

San Diego condominium prices
San Diego condominium prices

San Diego real estate agent

4 thoughts on “San Diego Home Sales Prices

  1. What are you seeing in the Bel Air/Allied Gardens/Del Cerro area, Bob? I live there (I rent and am not looking to buy), and am just wondering what your take is since you are active in that area.

  2. Measuring the percentage of total mortgages in foreclosure does not tell the whole story. Late payments on credit cards, revolving charge accounts and automobile loans are worrying the Fed also. And the number of mortgages in foreclosure today also does not speak to the numbers that are expected to follow.

    Houston Lawyers

  3. I am surrounded by folks who think this is the time to buy. Just like I was 3 or 4 years ago. Based on home price fundamentals – I don’t see any possibility of a bottom for YEARS. Here, inventory is growing as foreclosures outpace sales.

    Riverside Lawyers

  4. I remember in 2005 that it seems every month the paper reported that real estate sales were down by double digits though the values seem to be holding up. You would think an intelligent person would realize sales cannot drop by such a magnitude without values following.

    Sacramento Attorneys

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