September 12, 2024

San Diego Real Estate Site for Sale

San Diego California real estate broker -

18 year old San Diego California real estate is for sale. This site is now for sale!

Most search engine optimization optimization specialist agree that older sites rank in the search engine results much better  than newer sites. Also sites that concentrate on one topic and have a large amount of unique content rank better in the search results when compared to smaller sites.

Just take a look below at ourmonthly unique visitors to this San Diego real estate website! we no longer have an MLS search function on the site nor do we have a lead capture page. With these two upgrades made, with the huge directed San Diego real estate traffic that this site generates  it would be hard to believe that at least a few completed transactions could not be directly attributed to the website.

Here in San Diego the average residential home price is over $500,000! Just as an example,  let’s say just one new sale per year could be attributed to this website. Also, let’s say that  the generated real estate business was a listing and the sale was generated by a cooperating broker. That would mean, that the owner of the real estate site, naturally assuming that they are a California licensed real estate broker, would receive half of the commission. Again to be ultra  realistic let’s say that the commission on this one generated real estate transaction was just 5% and that was split 50-50 between the listing office and the sales office. Well, at a $500,000 sale price, this example would result in a $12,500 commission!

San Diego Real Estate Site for Sale  It’s not only the unique traffic that’s important to this site it’s that this site is totally focused on generating traffic specific to  the San Diego real estate market. Personally I’d say with this type of  unique traffic, has to be one of the busiest San Diego real estate sites!

San Diego Real Estate Site for Sale

Sure, there’s the possibility of increased commissions, there’s also the possibility of increased referral commissions to other brokers and selling advertising space to related San Diego real estate affiliated businesses. Think about it, what would a termite inspector or  home physical inspector, painting contractor,, residential repair organization, moving company or insurance company pay for ad space  on this site with this type of generated directed traffic?

Also because the name brokerforyou is very generic this could be the perfect site for a new or expanding  real estate brokerage moving into San Diego California.

What about a real estate brokerage or group within a large real estate brokerage offering  full pages to their top agents or teens  on this site for either a direct monthly fee or a percentage of sales generated.

San Diego Real Estate Site for Sale

Over the last few years video marketing has really taken off. many people realize that YouTube is owned by Google, but, did you know that YouTube because of its huge traffic is actually the world’s second largest search engine?

Below are some examples for very popular high level San Diego real estate search phrases and are videos just at the top of page one of the results when people search for these phrases on YouTube:

2017 YT san diego real estate


2017 san diego real estate market outlook


 san diego real estate market


san diego real estate broker


A few examples of page one returned results on the MSN search engine:


2017 san diego real estate market outlook



san diego real estate broker

If you’re interested in placing a bid to purchase the site or to get some additional information

Please click here


San Diego Real Estate Site for Sale












