March 4, 2025

Seizing Properties from LANDLORDS

is America NEXT?!

Private property rights are now being questioned. We are seeing the collapse of property rights of both small and large landlords.

Places like Europe are struggling to maintain capitalism. We are seeing a similar outlook towards landlords in states like California and New York and the entire USA for the most part as this eviction moratorium stays in place.

Seizing Properties from LANDLORDS

San Diego Real Estate - Seizing Properties from LANDLORDS

I hope we do not see this continue, if we do see future problems we will begin to see landlords drop like flies as they simply can not maintain their property when rent is not required. If that does happen who would own all of the property? That is the million dollar question and in this video I will cover exactly what is happening in Europe and why it is so frightening and also a real possibility that we see these demands on US soil soon.

Thomas Sowell had said that the biggest problem in society is this “entitlement” attitude. A nation will not prosper under laziness. I grew up poor with nothing but I never blamed others for my problems. I went to school and I went to work. I don’t have much but am very grateful for what I have. For me, happiness means a warm bed, food in my stomach, a roof over my head, my bills paid (which they are) my health, the love from my family and most importantly, freedom to worship God. That is true wealth. The point is count your blessings and don’t be lazy.

Here are a few comments on this video:

I moved to the United States from lithuania to escape the Soviet Union socialists. This literally happened to my family farm . The Soviets siezed our 2,000 acres and 300 cattle , 3,000+ chickens and 2 dozen goats ; for the “good of the people” . I’ve witnessed my neighbors being dragged out of their homes and shot in the streets for speaking out against the socialists and communist. Be careful people . Take it from someone who lived through this . Don’t you ever give up your guns or rights for ” the good of the people”.

The Feds want to change zoning regulations to force low income apartment housing in middle class suburbs. When this happens the inner city populations and global refugees should be placed there. Also, FEMA is lending money to flood victims and when they can’t pay the loans their homes would be foreclosed and given to those currently living in the inner cities. The UN wants the United States to home 500 million global refugees. This would change the country as we know it. Massive congestion, crime explodes, a lowering of standards for public education, massive public housing projects….Big Brother would seize private property and take over industries. The quality of life for Americans would collapse.

The UK Government tried something similar a few years back, It was an Empty Bedroom Tax. If seniors had a spare bedroom that was not being used. ( In other words the Kids moved out ) The UK Government wanted to tax all unused spare Bedrooms in your house. They wanted to make it unaffordable for seniors to keep their private residence and force them to sell it at lower price for low income families to move into a house based on their needs. If this actually happens they won’t just stop with private LandLords. The Government will say the size of your house will based on your need. There will be no more private property !

These people who think that Nationalizing something will result in cheaper goods or services are sadly too stupid to realize the long term consequences. Once you Nationalize something that is private, and leave it in the hands of the government; you will never receive a fair deal out of it. Their so called “revolution” will only result in misery and regret.

I listen to Activists in CA : “Government should buy all housing and rent it out” These are the young people who do not have the skills to compete for high paying jobs in Silicon Valley They demand to live in an expensive place They have Envy, resentment, hatred of the housing provider. Across the bay in Oakland, single mothers seized a vacant house, and local politicians jumped on the bandwagon to support the squatters. Police stood down.
Unfortunately the overzealous exercise of eminent domain and its protection of such practices by the SCOTUS has long been established. In Kelo v. City of New London the US Supreme Court upheld the taking of private residential property so that the state could sell it to a large corporation that satisfied the public use requirement merely by showing that the corporation would create jobs. Here, a taking of private apartments for the state to then rent out to the public would be a more direct and concrete example of public use and thus any Constitutional challenge to such a taking would likely fail. It’s unfortunate that the takings clause of the US Constitution has been exploited for such nefarious and self-serving agendas.
1933…Roosevelt confiscates Gold. 1943…New York begins rent control, destroying the marketplace for real estate investors. 2021…Biden confiscates residential real estate? Possible. And this from Wikipedia’s page on rent control, “…There is a consensus among economists that rent control reduces the quality and quantity of housing.”
This is literally what happened in Poland when the Soviets took control in 1945. “What was once yours is now ours, comrade. This is for the good of the collective.”
This is a great plan until building need repair. When repairs are needed. Whos gonna paid for it? Any good Land Lord will find deals. Whereas when ‘government’ uses their ‘friends’. Since, its ‘government money’. Often friends make a killing. And the cost ends up being paid by ‘taxpayer’. Since, their is not enough money to go around. Government housing will go into disrepair. Many people will be put into the same housing. Eventually, the disrepaired houses to be sold off to ‘friends’. Yes the whole system will fall apart in about 2-3 years. As it always does. (Look no further to i believe when Uganda kicked out the Indian merchants. Or when Zimbobwae nationalize farmland. It was popular for the first couple of years. Then the people regretted it. In Uganda the supply chain died. Zimbobwae the farmland only yielded 10% of the crop. )

Seizing Properties from LANDLORDS

******************* *** This 21 year old San Diego real estate is for sale! Also, aged real estate sites in many California cities are for sale.

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