October 21, 2024

Living at Home

Living at HomeAccording to a study by the National Association of Homebuilders there are more than 24 million young adults age 18 through 34 are living with their parents or parents-in-law.

The study attributes this fact to tough economic conditions and increased housing cost. Older young adults age 24 through 34 typically make up approximately half of all first-time homebuyers, but they’re delayed willingness to apparently leave their parents domicile contributed to lower housing demand during the recession.

Young adults living with their parents are twice as likely to be unemployed, compared with those who live on their own. On average, states with larger increases in unemployment rates among young adults, registered larger gains in the percentage of young adults living with their parents.

San Diego MLS search

5 thoughts on “Living at Home

  1. An older couple had a son, who was still living with them. The parents were a little worried, as the son was still unable to decide about his career path, so they decided to do a small test.

    They took a ten-dollar bill, a Bible, and a bottle of whiskey, and put them on the front hall table. Then they hid, hoping he would think they weren’t at home.

    The father told the mother, “If he takes the money, he will be a businessman; if he takes the Bible, he will be a priest; but if he takes the bottle of whiskey, I’m afraid our son will be a drunkard.”

    So the parents took their place in the nearby closet and waited nervously, peeping through the keyhole they saw their son arrive home.

    He saw the note they had left, saying they’d be home later. Then, he took the 10-dollar bill, looked at it against the light, and slid it in his pocket. After that, he took the Bible, flicked through it, and took it also. Finally, he grabbed the bottle, opened it, and took an appreciative whiff to be assured of the quality, then he left for his room carrying all the three items.

    The father slapped his forehead, and said, “Damn! It’s even worse than I ever imagined…”

    “What do you mean?” his wife inquired.

    “He’s gonna be a politician.” the father replied.

  2. The Los Angeles Times ran a story on the increase in adults in California ages 50 to 64 who have moved back home with mom and/or dad—a 68% rise from 2007 to 2012.

  3. Ok, my story:

    I left when I was 17 and moved to the other side of the world, alone, to have adventures. It was far braver than I could be today. I experienced every kind of high and low during that period and realised that I wasn’t quite as strong and worldly as I’d thought I was.

    My brother lives at home with mum and he’s 27, although he has moved in and out several times over the years. Mum’s pretty keen that he make the ‘out’ part a little more permanent next time…

  4. My two children are very different people and live their lives accordingly. My 24yo son has been “share housing” since he was 18 and could not live back home at all. My 22yo daughter , although very independent minded, lives at home while finishing her uni degree. She contributes financially when she can but is also a fully functioning member of this household as far as laundry, cooking and cleaning goes. Both my children were taught to be a part of running the house – I loathe useless people! I think my main job as a parent is to raise thoughtful, independent, empathic useful adults. People who can contribute something to their world. As long as they leave home before my husband and I do I’m happy!

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