The Census Bureau released the September data for new home construction After falling in...
real estate market
According to Case Shiller, nationwide house prices have fallen 18% from their peak in...
The Federal Housing Administration announced FHASecure, a temporary initiative to permit lenders to refinance...
The U.S. government’s Wall Street bailout package, or should I use the PC correct...
Jim Cramer is the host of CNBC's "Mad Money" and co-founder of Cramer...
The Commerce Department reported today that Construction of new homes and apartments fell to...
In a Yahoo Finance interview with Yale professor and MacroMarkets chief economist Robert Shiller...
The Wall Street Journal's Web site noted that it seems certain the Government may...
A Credit Suisse survey estimates that the S&P Case-Shiller Index of house prices in...
The U.S. Census Bureau and the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development released a...